Cinta Compostable PLA


  • Tape Compostable PLA is een 100% composteerbare vezel.
  • Geschikt voor contact met voedingsproducten.
  • Duurzaamheid 3 tot 6 maanden in ontbindingsproces.
  • Het is ecologisch en vervuilt of produceert geen afval.
  • Het kan waterige vloeistoffen opnemen.


We have developed a fiber to make Compostable PLA Tape that, due to its organic molecule structure and given the optimal conditions of Temperature and Substrate, degrades at the same rate as materials that come from the transformation of natural products. This fact makes the PLA become a fertilizer for agricultural soil.

Compostable PLA Tape must be disposed of in the organic matter container as it will degrade all at once. The decomposition period is 3 to 6 months. It replaces cotton with advantage, since it does not require water consumption for its elaboration.

Detalle cinta compostable